Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coupons Blogs

I shared this list with a few ladies from the church and thought I would

Here are some of the main sites I use. They are not all from our area but I
just use them as a guide in trying to save a few dollars! The best thing about
the sites....almost all of them are Christian based...Awsome! - this one is my favorite. She is a young mom
with two girls and one on the way... Oh read the 101 Walgreens sections....You
will save tons at walgreens if you can get it down.... - Great site! Again check out the 101
Walgreens - printable list.... - This one is a little too frugal for my taste
buds...but she does have some good recipes that I have tried...I think she goes
a little over board with a few "frugal" items but other than that I liked to
read her ideas and her husbands ideas as well. I learning to make homemade
bread so I use their tips/tricks. - Awsome site. Put in the list
everything you have in your house/freezer and it gives you recipes to make of
items you have on hand so you don't have to run to the store.

We go through a lot of soda during the summer months so I stock up on Coke
Coupons at I just keep a couple 100 pts on hand and redeem
35 pts for 1.00 coupon that doubles at Kroger's. This week my coupons will work
great as the deal is free crackers as well.

Another thing I have done is I created an email off yahoo that I only use for
coupons/free stuff/etc...When I sign up for offers I use Becka instead of Becky
and use my "coupon" email only. We can tell the difference when I get junk mail
in the mail as it is always addressed "becka". This way I am signing up for all
kinds of free stuff and coupons and not bogging down my regular email. Just an

If you have any questions...let me know.

Chase at 2 Months